Media and entertainment services

In our globalized era of ever-developing technology, relevant content and PR campaigns have become the most important means for booming businesses. LangBirds is able to refine your brand messages and campaign concepts into engaging, socially-relevant content without blurring your underlying message.

  • LangBirds offers you outstanding translation solutions that can do just that. Our network of expert linguists translate and localize exactly what you are looking to convey, effectively matching requirements of clients’ business and building close relationships between them by reaching a varied audience with content in your target language.We understand the significance of your message and are committed to delivering it as regionally-localized as possible. Also, your business-related content is highly confidential, so we are familiar with which content should be advertised for outreach and which should be kept private in order to maintain your business confidentiality.

PR translation services cover:

  • Various materials for advertising and PR agencies.
  • Press releases from a diverse array of communications and publications.
  • Marketing campaign literature.