We are extremely proud of our team of language specialists! Included in our group is a section of financial linguists equipped with knowledge of the field such as accounting, finance, banking, e-commerce and auditing. With this facilitation, LangBirds sits atop its competitors in the translation services industry of Egypt.
Our team of language professionals have the wherewithal and expertise to deal with and utilize any complicated financial terminology that may come their way, translating into the target text with the utmost quality and care. Among our wide base of customers are banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, business consultancy firms in addition to auditing and accounting firms.
With our tech capabilities and know-how, we are able to provide support for:
- Annual budget reports and balance sheets
- Financial statements, including income, cash flow and equity statements
- Auditor’s reports
- Sales projections
- Insurance policies and claims
- Various investment proposals and investor updates
- Public offering prospectus of firms
- Merger and acquisition (M&A) reports
For entrepreneurs, our ever-evolving translation company, LangBirds, is the most reliable go-to option for your business. We assure safe and accurate translations of all financial documents with an experience that will exceed your expectations. This is what has made LangBirds the best go-to option time and again.